The Anatomy Of The Voice
This diagram shows the different parts of the body that are mainly used in singing. The mouth is where the sound comes out, it is used along with the tounge to pronounce different sylables and words. the lungs are used to provide the voice with enough breath to be able to support the different sounds that the voice is making. The diaphragm contracted when the voice is used, it is a muscle located horizontally between the chest cavity and the stomach cavity.
The trachea is sometimes known as the windpipe. It is a pipe that connects the phaynx and the laynx to the lungs.
This shows how a diaphragm works |
The Larynx is also known as the voice box has the vocal folds situated within it. The muscles of the larynx are divided into intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
The intrinsic muscles are divided into respiratory and the phonatory muscles. The respiratory muscles move the vocal cords apart and serve breathing. The phonatory muscles move the vocal cords together and make the voice work. The extrinsic laryngeal muscles support and position the larynx within the trachea.
The vocal folds are two pieces of tissue and are located above the windpipe and stretch horizontally across the larynx. They open and close to support the voice.
Exersizes for the voice
For the voice to work to its maximum potentional it needs to be trained, this can be done by using a range of different exersizes, these increase the technique of the voice. Examples of these are practising intervals, this is where you start with a note and then jump to another, usually this is where a range if notes are skipped inetween. Another is practising scales, this helps improving the range of notes that your vice can reach.
This video is an example of a singing warm up, it is important to warm up your voice before you sing. This is important so your voice doesnt strain. If your voice strains then it can permantly damage the way your voice works.
This video improves the tone of your voice. It is important to improve tone so that your oitching improves. Pitching is important so that the correct note is sunge when either singing a song or a vocal phrase.
This video improves your diction and articulation, diction is the way that you propionate your constituents like "d" and "t". It is important to improve this so that each word that is sung in a song is pronunciation correctly. Articulation is the way that you sing a note, for example staccato, short and sharp and legato, long and smooth.
This video improve your breath control, this is important to practice this so that when singing a song you are able to sing a phrase without needing to take a breath.
Exersizes for the voice
For the voice to work to its maximum potentional it needs to be trained, this can be done by using a range of different exersizes, these increase the technique of the voice. Examples of these are practising intervals, this is where you start with a note and then jump to another, usually this is where a range if notes are skipped inetween. Another is practising scales, this helps improving the range of notes that your vice can reach.
This video is an example of a singing warm up, it is important to warm up your voice before you sing. This is important so your voice doesnt strain. If your voice strains then it can permantly damage the way your voice works.
This video improves the tone of your voice. It is important to improve tone so that your oitching improves. Pitching is important so that the correct note is sunge when either singing a song or a vocal phrase.
This video improves your diction and articulation, diction is the way that you propionate your constituents like "d" and "t". It is important to improve this so that each word that is sung in a song is pronunciation correctly. Articulation is the way that you sing a note, for example staccato, short and sharp and legato, long and smooth.
This video improve your breath control, this is important to practice this so that when singing a song you are able to sing a phrase without needing to take a breath.
What other vocal exercises could you look at that improve techniques like diction, breath control and projection?